
Your citizens deserve uninterrupted emergency services, especially in times of natural disasters and dangerous weather events. With APEX, if you have to evacuate your PSAP, you can take your laptop and still receive 911 calls without interruption - anytime, anywhere..

Learn more about the benefits of Carbyne APEX’s cloud-native solutions and how it can help you serve your community in their greatest times of need.

Last year's hurricane season, Hurricane Ida quickly intensified and the southern part of the state lost all 911 connectivity. The residents were unable to call 911 for almost 12 hours.

In the middle of a Hurricane, followed by a heatwave that is a catastrophic failure.
If our network was as diversified as it is today I do not believe we would have lost 911 service. - Tyrell T. Morris - OPCD Executive Director.

Learn how Carbyne APEX can help OPCD serve their community without disruption during natural disasters

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Volusia County (1)
Fayette County (1)-1

Josh Schumer

Regional Sales Manager, Carbyne

“Last year's hurricane season, Hurricane Ida quickly intensified and the southern part of the state lost all 911 connectivity. The residents were unable to call 911 for almost 12 hours.
In the middle of a Hurricane, followed by a heatwave that is a catastrophic failure.
If our network was as diversified as it is today I do not believe we would have lost 911 service" - Tyrell T. Morris - OPCD (Orleans Parish Communications District) Executive Director.


Tyrell Morris

Executive Director, Orleans Parish Communication District